Kit Tea Cat | Newton’s Nook Designs

 What was suppose to be a quick project took longer than I thought but I love how it turned out:

I combined the following supplies from Newton’s Nook Designs:

Newton’s Mug
Fancy Edges Tag Die Set
Argyle Stencil Set

Do you see what I see?  I used the tags, trimmed them down a bit, to look like Tea Bags.

I was thoroughly inspired by the Inky Paws Challenge [Dang it, I missed the deadline]:

It’s the FINAL CAS(E) this sketch:

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3 thoughts on “Kit Tea Cat | Newton’s Nook Designs”

  1. I was so bowled over by the Argyle, I nearly missed our Sketch! lol
    You have shared so many wonderful creations with CTS – thank you for this wonderful farewell, my friend!

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