I Be-Leaf in You | Color Throwdown Guest Designer

I’m back with another month of guest designing for the super fun Color Throwdown If you’ve been following me for any amount of time, you know that I LOVE this challenge.  Check out this week’s awesome color challenge: 


Here’s how I was inspired:

It’s my first time inking up the Autumn Fairies by Poppystamps.  It’s the leaves that drew me to the set for this challenge.  I was easily able to stay within the color challenge for the project too!
That kraft piece is packing paper from Reverse Confetti.  

I was able to add gold with my Uniball pen!  I wish you could see the sheen in addition to the Wink of Stella that I loaded the Fairies wings with!

I can’t wait to see how the Color Throwdown team was inspired:

Darnell Knauss – Guest Star Stamper
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6 thoughts on “I Be-Leaf in You | Color Throwdown Guest Designer”

  1. you know who has also saved that you know what, amy… too wonderful to recycle! and you've done it beautifully!

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