Hey | the stamp market

Hey!  A super quick no-stamping project!  I used The Stamp Market’s Hey dies:
So, I’m constantly cleaning and organizing my craft room which always seems to leave it in a perpetual state of chaos.  Last week I came across these Behr paint chips and decided to use one of them.  

Super easy design, I should make up the rest of them before I squirrel them away and forget the super special place that I stashed them (sigh).

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10 thoughts on “Hey | the stamp market”

  1. so chic… and so much fun to use those paint chips! I remember having tons of fun with them and never bought colored card stock… guess that made me chic- and cheap! LOve this die!

  2. Fun!! I have some of these I need to use up and love the Hey! Reminded me I have a SM set I haven't used yet…love this!

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