Reverse Confetti February SFYTT: xoxo

Happy February!  If you’ve been following me for any amount of time you know how much I adore green.  So with this month’s Reverse Confetti SFYTT I decided to use green as the dominant color palette for my card design.  I’m a big fan of using non-traditional colors for ‘holidays’.

The All Heart Cover Panel along with the Circle Band have been cut in Lime Green.  Do you see the polka panel?  That’s from the Fright Night paper pad.  I topped the card off with the stitched heart and xoxo from the XOXO Hearts Confetti Cuts set.

Here’s the new SFYTT:

I’m looking forward to seeing how my teamies were inspired!

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9 thoughts on “Reverse Confetti February SFYTT: xoxo”

  1. This card is FABULOUS, Amy. I really love the RC hearts cover-plate die and the fun papers too!

  2. Yes, green is your fav! When you don't use it I get confused and have to double check that it was you, lol! Thanks for sharing and inspiring.

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