Sweet Stamp Shop – 3 coffees

Sweet Stamp Shop has been releasing the CUTEST stamps this month!  Did you see the new Tax Day set?

Total truth, don’t you agree?!  That cat is ADORABLE!  I combined Tax Day with the Muggin set.

I hope you check out the Sweet Stamp Shop…they just released a couple new bundles yesterday that will be available this morning as singles!

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13 thoughts on “Sweet Stamp Shop – 3 coffees”

  1. Adorable and that looks exactly like me today! Well, in a little bit anyway… Yay Friday Eve! Still not sure if I'm getting a weekend.. sigh… but almost there…

  2. Ok, I stopped by to see what you have created lately, since the hop and I find this. Ha! Hilarious!! Can you hear me laughing. Made my day.

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